Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday Bloom

“Buddha said when we were born, we were lotus under water. Then, as we grow approaching the surface, we’re learning. As we surfaced, we finally and truly understand the meaning of happiness…Lotus is a sacred flower …it gives you a peace of mind” 
Playful Chef In Bangkok

I’m not religious to begin with, though I respect such insights. But whatever the LOTUS entails, for me it’s a flower that gives radiance. You appreciate the form it shows and how it blooms.

At the end of the day, how many people have we shared our laughter, argued or simply smiled at? We don’t even know and possibly would not even dare to care.

Same as LOTUS, we float and let others smile at us, argued how we grow and even perceived things around us and just laughed at our shared moments.

LIFE and LOTUS were such both magical wonders we have in this WORLD.

1 comment:

  1. very Anna Bayle ang atake..Bloom where you are like the Lotus of Siam :) it! - Martina Negra-Karenin
